Friday, May 28, 2010

long swim

Swim 4000m (2.5 miles)
[10x400m on 8 minutes, 1:19]

7am in the frigid waters of Barton Springs with no wetsuit.
Back and forth, back and forth, 10 times until my arms felt like rubber.
Yummy warm bowl of oatmeal with almonds, walnuts, and protein powder.
Yay, just one workout today.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

another awesome long run

Run 15 miles
10 miles@1:24 (8:24 pace)
5 miles@37 min (7:24 pace)
[2:02 => 8:08/mile average pace]

I love my long run week after week. Sunrise on the trail, me, my music, my breathing, my legs, and my attitude. There is probably a relationship between my consistently good performances and my positive attitude :) I ran solid and steady for the first 10 miles today and then cranked out some speed in the last 5. I feel great about my fast finish today. When I feel strong and visualize myself as a strong runner, I run strong*.

*notes to self to take into the Ironman marathon

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

nothing special

Run 5.5 miles with 6x (30 sec hard uphill/ 1 minute easy down)
[4.25 miles: 35 minutes, then hill repeats, then easy jog home, 50 minutes total]

Swim Strength warm up: 
25 pullups
25 pushups
25 sit ups

Swim 2500yd
2x600@IM pace (9:04, 9:06)
2x300@IM pace (4:30,4:36)
[44 minutes]

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Solid brick

Bike 75 minutes, 21 miles
8 minutes - 2.64 mi = 19.8mph
12 minutes - 4.0 mi = 20.0mph
15 minutes - 4.95 mi = 19.8mph

Brick Run 2 miles, 14:55
Mile 1 - 7:55
Mile 2 - 7:00

I was very steady on my bike pace. My quads are tired but I had a little fire in my belly this morning that got me through it. I went directly from the the bike to the run with one mile to warm up and one mile hard on the way home. I didn't look at my watch at all during that last mile and was shocked to see my pace. I have struggled to hit a 7 minute mile in my run workout intervals lately. I guess I still have some speed in there even when I feel completely dead. This was a confidence builder because it makes me think there is hope for a good performance after I am tapered and rested.

Monday, May 24, 2010

dreaming of post-ironman days...

Swim 3400yd, 1:02
10x100 as 50 hard/50 easy on 1:45
6x200 (descend)@ 3:10, 3:06, 3:04, 3:03, 3:00, 2:55
A perfect descending set! Exhibit A that I am good at judging my pace based on perceived exertion. The goal was to get a little faster for each repetition and I did just that, all in a very controlled manner.
Good job Baxter.

I have two more weeks of this insanity before I start tapering. I have two mega-long rides left and one 20 mile run left. I also have the Danskin sprint triathlon, which I am looking forward to just because it's fun. My body is struggling and I need to focus on getting more sleep... 8 hours per night on the weeknights and more plus naps on the weekends. I am irritable a lot lately which I know is a sign of overtraining. Normally I would rest, but in this case I am simply going to hang on to get through the last two weeks the best I can. This week is a slight recovery week with *just* 15 hours of training.

Post-Ironman Things I Am Looking Forward To
Eating less
Crossfit WODs
Real running (no dead bike legs)
No saddle sores
Sleeping past 5:30am on weekends
Going out past 9pm on weekend nights
One workout per day
No stress about how to fit work around workouts
Social life
Time to cook new recipes
Time to play my instruments
Time to look for and buy a house

blow up

Sunday Planned Workout:
Swim 2.5 miles
Bike 3 hours with intervals
Run 30 minutes

Sunday Actual Workout:
Swim 2.6 miles, open water, 1:21
Bike 19 miles, 1:24

Things did not go as planned today. I started off fine with my race distance swim at Barton Springs. Back and forth, 10 laps with some zig-zagging=2.6 miles. I swam with no wetsuit, sucked up the coldness, and it felt good until the end. Then I put on my bike clothes, drove up to Parmer Lane, and started out on the bike. Even though I got an early start, the wind had already picked up on Parmer and it was about 15-20 mph. As soon as I got on my bike I knew my body was not happy. It was painful to sit on the saddle and my legs had nothing left. Ok, I guess I went harder yesterday than I realized and it was catching up with me.

Even with the tailwind, I could only go about 19mph on my tri bike and every other biker on the road was passing me, everyone. I couldn't face the intervals I had planned and I knew I would have a nasty tailwind coming back. I decided to cut things short and I turned around when I was 35 minutes in. For a good bit of the way back, I was going 10mph at max effort into the wind. I was on the verge of tears and wanted the ride to be over asap. It took me 50 minutes to get back. When I have normal energy levels, that section takes me about 60 minutes total, not 1:24.

I got in the car, went home, and proceeded to take a 4 hour nap. Then I laid around watching movies for the rest of the day. Then I slept for another 9 hours.