Sunday, July 30, 2006

long intense week

Bike - 78 miles, 5:11
Run - 2 miles, 18:11

I was on vacation from work this week, but have been working at home, and working out. This was a hard training week, with 19 hours total. That is the most hours I have ever trained in one week, and it was great to have the luxury of taking naps whenever I needed them, and of preparing the right recovery foods to try to fill myself up (a tough task!). I have been eating a box of blueberries a day, as well as at least a gallon of water. It is really hot out and I don't have air conditioning, so I guess this is all part of my heat acclimation.

I am tired with general fatigue, but have no muscle soreness. I am looking forward to recovery this week. Next Saturday I am doing the Steelhead 70.3 Half Ironman, so I'll see if all this volume pays off. I haven't done any specific race prep for it, and no speedwork because it just doesn't fit into Ironman training this close to the race. This is unusual for me and it makes me a little nervous, but I am sure I can gut it out and do pretty well no matter. I have to trust my training.

Training totals this week:
Swim - 14000m, 5:10
Bike - 132 miles, 8:40
Run - 33 miles, 5:11
Total: 19:01

[7/29/06 Saturday]
Swim - 3 mi (4800m), 1:53 - in Lake Monona
Run - 8 mi, 1:15

This is the longest I have ever swam before! My toes turned all white and shriveled :)

[7/28/06 Friday]
Bike - 32.6 miles, 2:05
Swim - 3500yd, 1:15 - main set as 7 x 300 on 6 min@5:20-5:40

[7/27/06 Thursday]
REST Day, Yoga class

[7/26/06 Wednesday]
Run - 17 miles, 2:40

I am still tired from that 90 mile ride on Sunday, so this really felt like an Ironman training run starting out on sore legs. I had bad moments, but then things would turn around and I would start feeling better. I am happy knowing that I could have done more.

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